Thursday, April 28, 2011

The good girl, (Aniston and that brokeback mountain dude


 I just watched this movie, it made an impression on me, good script, good acting, dark and funny.

Supposedly its about a woman who is really anything but good. 

Its about a women living a dull life, dull job, dull husband, dull everything, then she starts an affair with a young man who like she says is a "child at best, and a demon at worst". She becomes more and more trapped and more and more bad things happen. 

In one of the scenes nearing the end, she stops at red light and wonders whether to run away with the boy or go back to her petty old existence now strained by secrets and lies.
How it all came down to this, only the 
                         devil knows. Retail Rodeo was at the 
                         corner on my left, the motel was down 
                         the road to my right. I closed my eyes 
                         and tried to peer into the future. On 
                         my left I saw days upon days of lipstick 
                         and ticking clocks. Dirty looks and 
                         quiet whisperings. and burning secrets 
                         that won't ever die away. And on my 
                         right, what could I picture? The blue 
                         sky, the desert earth streching out 
                         into the eerie infinity. A beautiful, 
                         never ending nothing.

She is wondering the future, if she returns to her husband pregnant whose about to find out his sperm is no good. The Rodeo Retail where she works and where she dreads returning because all staff know she was having an affair with the boyish Holden, and where the Christian bible study security guard has been watching her sinful fornications in his cameras. Hence “the whisperings” and the “burning secrets” Initially she slept with her husband’s friend, Bubba, who saw her going to a motel with another guy one day and to keep him from telling he makes her sleep with him.
This scene is epically ridiculous, and I loved it.
Bubba sat like that for what seemed 
                         like ten years before he began to speak. 
                         Finally, when he opened his mouth, he 
                         talked a blue streak about the ruin 
                         that was his life. He talked about how 
                         he loved Phil, and how he loved me. 
                         And how he always wanted a girlfriend 
                         just like me, and to be a guy like Phil, 
                         to this imaginary girl like me, that 
                         he never found. Then he wen on about 
                         givin' up your dreams and how it's all 
                         a part of gettin' older. Bubba had given 
                         up on his dream to be like Phil, and 
                         accepted his fate as Bubba, always and 
                         forever. Then, last week, a door that 
                         remained shut swung wide open. Bubba 
                         thought this no chance coincidence, 
                         a cosmic force was at work. The sounds 
                         of me makin' love to a man that wasn't 
                         Phil was like a shout in Bubba's ear 
                         from the creator himself. What it meant, 
                         or what to do, or why Bubba didn't know. 
                         All he knew was that he hated me for 
                         poisoning the well of idealism that 
                         he had drunk from for so long. I was 
                         no longer Bubba's image of perfection. 
                         To him I was just a liar, and a whore, 
                         and that sickened him. But on the other 
                         hand he loved me for opening his eyes 
                         and releasing him from the bitter chains 
                         of evny that bound him to Phil. Phil 
                         was no superman, just a cuckhold, and 
                         a foll, and that was beautiful. Bubba 
                         felt that there was just one thing left 
                         for us to do. Something that would solve 
                         both our problems and end this whole 
                         tragic cycle.

 Ironically to cover up for her unfaithfulness she is sucked into sleeping with yet another person. It is true that vice is like a ball rolling, you give it one shove, and it goes on rolling, getting more and more speed and momentum, and in the end usually crashes to bits. Lies are like that, to cover up for one lie, you lie a little bit here, a little bit there, and then a little bit everywhere; from just this once lying to all day, every day until it becomes a living, a job, a never ending plot to deceive others, where you have to force yourself to come up with fresh and more intricate ways of perpetuating the perceived story in each person’s head, of controlling how much each person knows, like in a laboratory where details are the elements of the experiment, if I add or take away this detail, what will happen to me, will it all explode in my face, and so you scheme and think of combinations of elements, lies form bonds, but their integrity is constantly compromised, and so the schemer must find new ways to strengthen them, more lies, which will themselves have to be upheld, and imagine this elaborate intertwine of lies, forming skeletons of shaking and thining bonds, much like water droplets shake right before the wind and the inevitability of gravity shake and pull it down, imagine how this droplet clings to a leaf and shakes in cold before finally giving way. all on the weight of your shoulder; my gosh what a weight to carry, sometimes for a lifetime, anyone normal would go insane. And what is the alternative, to confess, to cease her affair, to tell husband you’ve cheated on him with a stupid boy, that you’ve slept with his best friend, and that the baby inside of her could be any of theirs. He will probably beat her up, kill his best friend and crush the boy, if the boy hasn’t committed suicide by now because he was lonely and  misunderstood and“never gotten by anyone” and then “We got each other with one look” as he says, which I think was a beautiful play of words. 

here is a link to a trailer, I could not find the good scenes uploaded…

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